sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2015

O nariz da UE

Para quê reformar quando se pode chantagear? Alexis Tsipras, Primeiro Ministro grego, vai a um fórum económico na Rússia, em 18 de Junho. Desde que tomou posse, será a segunda vez que ele se reúne com Vladimir Putin.

“Nowadays the role of geopolitics is more important than before,” Kotzias said. “Our world is in the midst of a conflict between its current needs and the future demands.”

The EU “needs to learn to see beyond the end of its nose, as we say in Greece,” he said. “To manage our future not as a momentary action, nor as a shareholders’ meeting that thinks with an horizon of quarterly earnings.”

~ Comentários de Elias Kotzias, Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros grego, na Universidade de Oxford na quarta-feira.

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